Date of Contest Entry December 3, 2003
Description "Photoshop this rather expensive Christmas tree in Hong Kong"

Additional Source Image

[From this contest]

Comments This was my second entry after signing up for "Total Fark." I had a hard time coming up with an original or funny idea. It was lame, but all I could think of was that the tree kind of looked like a hat. I first tried to do a "Cone Head" reference, but couldn't find a decent source picture. Finally, I just decided to combine this entry with a previous one on James Earl Jones (see above). Wouldn't you know it -- this entry ended up being my very first winning entry!

All contest entries are copyright 2003 by Barry S. Goldberg. Feel free to download and use these images for private use, but please don't take credit for my work (i.e., I'd be flattered to see one of my pictures being used on someone else's homepage, but not as "their" winning entry in a photoshop contest!)

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